Time MARCHes On..
MARCH MADNESS March descended upon us and the energy seems frenetic. Traffic is back to normal, the pace of life seems to have sped up and now it's just about...
Time MARCHes On..
MARCH MADNESS March descended upon us and the energy seems frenetic. Traffic is back to normal, the pace of life seems to have sped up and now it's just about...
Change Happens
EMBRACING CHANGE It’s difficult to conceive that it is February 2022, when it feels as if the year has barely begun. Each year we say the same thing – time...
Change Happens
EMBRACING CHANGE It’s difficult to conceive that it is February 2022, when it feels as if the year has barely begun. Each year we say the same thing – time...
Bugs Away
STAY IN HARMONY WITH NATURE Recently I visited the Game Reserve and while sitting in the early morning sun watching baboons and monkeys interact, observing the timid impala buck graze...
Bugs Away
STAY IN HARMONY WITH NATURE Recently I visited the Game Reserve and while sitting in the early morning sun watching baboons and monkeys interact, observing the timid impala buck graze...
Sport Muscle Recovery
USING AROMATHERAPY TO HELP WITH MUSCLE RECOVERY Training and exercise used to be for a minority of talented people but nowadays has become an integral part of everyday life for...
Sport Muscle Recovery
USING AROMATHERAPY TO HELP WITH MUSCLE RECOVERY Training and exercise used to be for a minority of talented people but nowadays has become an integral part of everyday life for...
Cold & Sinus Season
FEEL BETTER NATURALLY I overheard one of my pharmacist colleagues talking about the overuse of antibiotics and how at the first sign of a cold or sinus people think that...
Cold & Sinus Season
FEEL BETTER NATURALLY I overheard one of my pharmacist colleagues talking about the overuse of antibiotics and how at the first sign of a cold or sinus people think that...
Breath is life and now is the time to appreciat...
With the focus on looking after our health and understanding the unprecedented times that we are living in, we are reminded how important breath is. We know that breathing is...
Breath is life and now is the time to appreciat...
With the focus on looking after our health and understanding the unprecedented times that we are living in, we are reminded how important breath is. We know that breathing is...