Time MARCHes On..


March descended upon us and the energy seems frenetic. Traffic is back to normal, the pace of life seems to have sped up and now it's just about month end. Two years ago, March 2020, the world as we knew it changed forever as we entered a COVID world with lockdowns and restrictions, the likes of which we had never before seen.

Gradually we began to look at the upside of our topsy turvy world, while there was so much suffering and loss, there were also heartfelt connections, there was a return to the love of dogs (and cats) and a reminded appreciation of nature. Mother Nature began to breathe easier as skies cleared and people remained local. A new normal was being formed and a longing for a return to the "old" normal felt both desirable and conflicted.

Through these "mad" times, two years felt as one and somehow, now in March 2022 the world has opened up travel wise, new businesses have started, adaptation to loss of people and places are necessary, a frenetic pace seems to have emerged, and there is a most unexpected war happening on the planet.

Through out all these unforseeable times and experiences, we need to return to our inner selves, we can only control our own lives and our responses to an everchanging micro and macro environment.

We at Aromatic Apothecary have used these past two years - from March 2020 to March 2022, to rebrand, step back, step up and know that now, more than ever, our products have a space in the world to come. We offer everyday, non-addictive, safe and therapeutic products, with nature sourced ingredients,to make you feel better,

We cannot control anything or anyone, only our responses to what happens in our worlds.

Shop on line or find a stockist near you to find products that meet your needs.
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